A Look at Dimensional's Investment Portfolios

Provides a high-level snapshot of DFA’s product offerings for a broad audience.

Global Market Breakdown

Performance of domestic and international equity markets sorted along size, value, sector, and country characteristics.

Relative Performance of Dimensional's Equity Funds

These charts illustrate Dimensional’s track record of success relative to industry peers for our equity funds with at least 15 years of history.

Global Market Breakdown

Performance of domestic and international equity markets sorted along size, value, sector, and country characteristics.

Relative Performance of Dimensional's Equity Funds

These charts illustrate Dimensional’s track record of success relative to industry peers for our equity funds with at least 15 years of history.

Dimensional Overview

A summary presentation highlighting key aspects of Dimensional’s approach to investing.

Introduction to Dimensional Fund Advisors
A two-page introduction to Dimensional’s philosophy, process, and client-focused solutions.
Organizational Announcement

Dimensional Appoints Dave Butler as Co-CEO Alongside Eduardo Repetto

Investment Shock Absorbers
Ever ridden in a car with worn-out shock absorbers? Every bump is jarring, every corner stomach-churning, and every red light an excuse to assume the brace position. Owning an undiversified portfolio can trigger similar reactions.
A Look Back at 2016

Every year brings its share of surprises. But how many of us could have imagined that 2016 would see the Dow Jones Industrial Average close out the year a whisker away from 20,000?

The Federal Reserve

Professor Eugene Fama and David Booth discuss the Federal Reserve’s perceived impact on market interest rates.

Volatility of Premiums

Professor Eugene Fama and David Booth explain why, despite periods of underperformance, investors should continue to expect risk premiums in the future.

Robust Research

Professor Eugene Fama and David Booth discuss the value of designing and executing investment portfolios built on robust research.

Broad Overviews
Pursuing a Better Investment Experience

Brochure features 10 decisions that can help investors target long-term wealth in the capital markets.

A Different Way to Invest

Presentation answers key questions many investors ask and highlights Dimensional’s research-based approach to investing.

Putting Financial Science to Work

Brochure highlights Dimensional’s view of markets and describes how the firm structures and implements strategies along the dimensions of expected returns.

Deeper Looks
Mutual Fund Landscape 2017

2017 Report documents survivorship and performance in the US mutual fund industry and illustrates the impact of high fees and turnover on returns.

The Evolution of Dimensional

David Booth reflects on how Dimensional has evolved with advances in financial science.

Dimensional Research: Bridging the Gap between Academia and Investors

The intellectual curiosity and rigor of Dimensional’s academic origins helps our Research team bring the latest advancements in financial science to life for clients.

Under the Surface

Sophisticated systems and highly skilled people working with great efficiency and precision underpin every Dimensional fund. This Issue Brief provides an overview of Dimensional’s operations.

The Evolution of Dimensional

David Booth congratulates Eugene Fama for being names a 2013 Nobel laureate and reflects on Dimensional’s history of putting financial science to work for investors.

A Conversation Between David and Bob

David Booth sat down with Robert Merton, professor at the MIT Sloan School of Management, to discuss Merton’s illustrious career as an academic and practitioner and his involvement with Dimensional.